Tuesday 29 November 2022

Online Autoethnographic Research: Week 10



Like most people I use my online world everyday, for a large chunk of the day usually. My online world consists of mainly social media like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and some others but I also use video apps a lot such as Netflix  and YouTube especially since I don’t have access to a TV anymore now I’m at uni.


I now use things like FaceTime and WhatsApp a lot more to call my friends from home and also my family, so I can at least see their faces online until I can see them again in person which helps me stay connected. 

One of the most important apps I use is BBC News, keeping me connected and up to date with the rest of the world, without it I wouldn’t have access to lots of useful information. 

I’m quite the online shopper so I have many apps that I use instead of going out shopping, so therefore missing the whole process of buying clothes with it all being so accessible online, you don’t have to speak to anyone in a shop. 


Another overused app is my Spotify, which is very social in real life and online as you can see what your friends are listening to but can also put your playlist on when you’re with your friends. 

I also use my phone for practical things like checking train times or bus times and checking the weather, which is always useful as it connects the online world to the real world and I have the information before I arrive. 

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