Wednesday 19 October 2022

Week 4: Essay C Feedback

FEEDBACK on “Advantages of the Concept of ‘Relatedness’ over that of ‘Kinship’”

Factual Knowledge

The essay shows a reasonable knowledge of the relevant theories and case studies and it is generally accurate and reasonably comprehensive although a little more detail could be offered regarding the detail and evolution of the competing kinship theories. 


Awareness of Scholarly Opinion

There appears a good demonstration of the main relevant issues and opinions with a clear explanation of the two main competing theories although this could be more directly linked to the sources.


Expression of Argument/Use of Language

The piece uses a high level of quite specialised language which is generally coherent and intelligible.



A clear, logical structure is displayed tracing the evolution of the theories with an attempt at a sensible conclusion.


Critical Judgement

Mostly relevant with a balanced critique of sources, although some are given much less coverage than others (eg Morgan, Lopez and Levi-Strauss) although this may be because their theories are more minor and this may have led to a slightly indistinct conclusion.



Generally, reasonably good with various informative detail although the formatting, especially in the Resources section could have been a little tidier and more headings in the main part.



This displayed a reasonably wide range of relevant sources, correctly cited


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